Top 7 Most Expensive Logos In The World

For most companies and brands, a logo is one of the most crucial aspects when it comes to getting the attention of the public, especially for those who might have never heard of them.

The logo will be the first thing that comes to mind with regard to a brand without knowing anything else. There are many different kinds of logos from being the simplest ones to a relatively complex structure.

Making an eye-catching logo is important to get the attention of its users to ensure that their favorite brand stays in their heads. Due to that, many companies are willing to spend huge budgets to create the perfect logo out there.

Here we would like to share with you the top 7 most expensive logos in the world to ever be made.

7. Pepsi ($1 Million)

Despite the Pepsi logo today looking somewhat similar to what it used to, the company just spent $1 million to make this very simple logo. The old iconic Pepsi logo has been changed to something with slightly different colors as the red one becomes the main.

The whole logo has been tilted slightly a bit at a particular angle which makes it suitable for the current trend design of being flat or 2D. According to sources, the change of the Pepsi logo was an attempt to challenge its rival, Coca-Cola which is still one of the most popular brands in the world.

6. BBC ($1.8 Million)

There have been many variations to the BBC logo as of now, but the most common one that is seen will be the combination of white capital letters placed on a black background. Some of you might think that even you are capable of producing such a thing.

But that did not stop BBC from spending a whopping $1.8 million for this logo. Despite its insane price for a 3 letter logo which seems to be typed out using Microsoft Word, we might want to give credit to them for holding the record of not changing their logo even for a bit.

Things came to an end as in 1997 the company introduced their new logo. Speaking of the record, they have used the same BBC logo for 18 years from 1971 until 1988.

5. Australia & New Zealand Banking Group, ANZ ($15 Million)

The Australia & New Zealand Banking Group(ANZ) is a joint venture company that has spent $15 million to design their company's logo. This logo features the word ANZ which pictures a movement together in a graphical way.

It is a huge marketing campaign that started in 2010 and ended in 2012. For those who don't know, ANZ is the biggest bank in New Zealand and the third biggest in Australia. So the amount that they have paid seems absurd for those investing in marketing campaigns.

4. Posten Norge ($55 Million)

The importance of having a decent logo is taken very seriously by a Norway postal service company which they have paid $55 million for the logo that they are using today. Aside from the graphics which is not a common Norway design, the company replaces the word, "Posten Norge" with "posten" only which means posting.

It looks overwhelmingly expensive for works that looked quite simple and easy, however, one must also take note that the company has the sole right to distribute and send letters that are less than 50 grams all over Norway.

The New Posten Norge logo was introduced in 2008 and all the post offices in the country went through a rebranding process which was considered a great investment.

3. Accenture ($100 Million)

If you were to take a closer look at this logo, it would appear to look more like writings instead of a logo. But that did not stop Accenture from spending $100 million for its logo. It is comprised of the word "Accenture" written in small letters with the accent at the top of the letter t.

The word is the short form for the phrase "accent in the future". Accenture was forced to change its name and use the new logo after exiting Anderson Consulting Group and making its own pathway.

However, the company that is well-known for outsourcing has received heavy criticism with regard to the Accenture logo despite paying a huge price for it. Some people claimed the simple logo did not give adequate meaning.

Despite the reworks and designs, this particular logo was chosen after 50 other choices and designs were rejected. Accenture today has a high reputation and its logo is known all over in the industry.

2. British Petroleum, BP ($210 Million)

The second most expensive logo in the world will be British Petroleum which was obtained in 2000 where the company paid $210 million for it. They chose a logo design featuring a green-to-yellowish shadow which represents the commitment of the company to going green.

But what made the overall logo so expensive is due to a huge crisis BP is going through. Well, it is referring to one of the worst oil spills in history happening in the Mexican Gulf. This literally showed how astray the company is towards its vision.

Things became much worst for the company as people were trolling them online with a fake BP logo that has been modified symbolically into the black oil spillage. Ever since the incident, the company has spent millions of dollars to amend the damages that have been done which ruins the company's reputation.

1. Symantec ($1.28 Billion)

This is perhaps the most expensive acquisition on the planet costing $1.28 billion making Symantec the most expensive logo in the world. It was following the rebranding process the company is going through at the time.

But the figure itself does not come as a surprise if you were to know the facts behind it. One of the purchases made by Symantec will be VeriSign letting them have full control of the company.

Not only did they gain access to documents and ideas of the company but also the famous VeriSign logo with the tick which they decide to add to their own logo. The tick sign indicates the approval for a secure sockets layer(SSL) certificate which means a more secure website.

This logo is essential for gaining the trust of the public towards any online website. Due to the tick mark signifying trust and belief, it is definitely wise for Symantec to incorporate it in its own logo.


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