Top 5 Fastest Sea Animals In The World

It is amazing to see many living creatures thriving whether on land, air or at sea. All of them comes in different shapes, sizes, and speed with each of them having their own unique characteristics.

For the sea animals, there are still many out there that have not been discovered due to how vast the ocean is. But among them all, mankind has managed to rank some of the fastest-living sea creatures on the planet.

Here we would like to share with you the top 5 fastest sea animals in the world.

5. Pilot Whale (75 kph)

Looking somewhat similar to the killer whale, some people might not realize that pilot whales are actually dolphins that can go up to 75 kph. This sea animal sometimes known as the blackfish is relatively swift and intelligent.

This creature can either be black, dark brown, dark grey or have a grey patch directly beneath its tiny dorsal fin. The male pilot whale is slightly bigger than its counterpart growing up to 21 feet in length.

Their overall shape is what gives them their impressive speed.

4. Yellowfin Tuna (80 kph)

The Yellowfin Tuna belongs to the Bonito family and a bigger tuna species live in the southern and northern hemispheres. It lives on the surface of the water and can weigh roughly 181 kg in just 8 years.

As the 4th fastest sea animal in the world, this fish can reach a maximum speed of 80 kph thanks to its biological shape. Its body fin and special groove allow it to move along the waters swiftly.

3. Swordfish (96 kph)

Swordfish is a popular sport fish from the "billfish" type and originating from the Xiphiidae family. It is also called broadbill and one of its unique features will be its long and pointy nose called the rostrum which lets it cut through the waters and move at an incredible speed.

The fish can move up to 96 kph and is commonly found in the Atlantic, Hindi, and Pacific Oceans at a depth of 550 meters from the surface of the water. The swordfish are also hunted for it is made as a luxury dish in the West.

2. Sailfish (109 kph)

Another type of billfish on the list will be the sailfish which can be seen leaping out of the water and targeting swarms of fish at a speed of 109 kph. The size is relatively smaller than the swordfish weighing only 182 pounds but with a slightly added speed to them.

The fish's grooves help it improve its hydrodynamic properties and are often raised while hunting. The fish gets its name from its impressive dorsal fin which is nearly as long as the animal's back.

1. Marlin (131 kph)

Not just any Marlin but the Black Marlin is known to be the fastest sea animal in the world moving at a hefty speed of 131 kph. The fish got its name from a sea tool known as a marlinspike which has a similar feature to the marlin's nose.

However, some might compare its speed to a sailfish as both of them have quite similar features. The black marlin's dorsal fin is lower and rounder than the sailfish and its bill is considerably shorter.

On top of that, its pectoral fins are also very stiff as they cannot be flattened, thus reducing the drag while the fish is moving.


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