Top 8 Highest Flying Birds In The World

There are many species of birds in the world that comes with unique features and adaptations. All over the world, it is estimated to be 9,000 - 10,000 species of birds out there.

Among one of the common adaptations of these creatures will be their ability to fly really high in the sky. Here we would like to share with you the top 8 highest flying birds in the world.

8. Mallard

Mallard is a bird shaped like a duck and can fly up to a height of 6,400 meters making it the 8th highest flying bird in the world. The Mallard bird originated from North Africa, America, and Eurasia and has been introduced in other countries across the globe.

The male Mallard will have a sparkling green head with slight grey in its stomach and wings whereas its counterpart will have brown fur to it.

7. Andean Condor

This bird lives by the Andres Mountain in South America and is one of the family members of the Vulture genus. It reaches its maturation age by 6 years old and can fly up to 6,500 meters high.

Andean Conor is one of the birds that has a long lifespan of more than 70 years and feasts on carcasses of animals like deer and cows.

6. Bearded Vulture

This predator comes from the high mountains of southern Europe, India, Tibet, Africa, and the Caucasus. This is one of the known birds that eat bone and we rarely see them flying at lower altitudes than 1,000 meters.

They commonly live on trees at the top of a mountain at a height of 7,500 meters at Mount Everest.

5. Alpine Chough

The Alpine Chough bird comes from the crow family and breeds at the highest mountain in Spain, North Africa, Nepal, South Europe, and Central Asia. It is capable of flying high and making its nest at 8,000 meters above sea level.

The Alpine Chough has shiny black fur, red legs, and a yellow beak. It usually likes to hunt invertebrates during the summer and feast on fruits during the cold winter.

4. Whooper Swan

The Whooper Swan somewhat resembles the Bewick swan but only with longer and wider wings. The male weighs around 9.8 - 11.4 kg whereas the female is slightly lighter weighing 8.2 - 9.2 kg.

Since their body is heavy, this forces the bird to mostly live in waters as the feet cannot support the weight. However, during their migration, this bird can fly up to 8,200 meters in height.

3. Bar-Hooded Goose

This goose comes from Central Asia and it breeds widely by mountain lakes. During the summer, the Bar-Hooded goose will move to short grass areas by the lakes and start making its way to the south of Mongolia, Tibet, Kazakhstan, and Russia.

The goose is able to fly up to 8,000 meters in height making it the third highest flying bird in the world.

2. Common Crane

Common Crane is a bird that can be found all over Europe and it is one of the birds in the crane family that is not classified as extinct.

It is among the migratory birds that move farther distances in the winter to North Africa and can fly as high as 10,000 meters above.

1. Rüppell's Vulture

The Rüppell Vulture is the biggest species of vulture originating from the Sahel region of Central Africa.

This bird was named after Eduard Ruppell, a zoologist and German explorer in the 19th century. It is the highest flying bird in the world flying at the height of 11,300 meters.

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