Top 5 Largest Nuclear Power Plants In The World

As of today, nuclear power is comprised of around 10% of the world's energy use while more than 30% is still being produced using coal. However, this figure will soon change from time to time considering the increased demand for cleaner energy.

Despite nuclear power being seen as a good alternative, managing a nuclear reactor or nuclear power plant comes at a huge risk causing certain parties not willing to take the risk. However, because of the advancement of technology in various Asian countries, most of the biggest nuclear power plants exist on this continent.

This list is based on the energy capacity held by these nuclear power plants. The data are obtained from the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) and here are the top 5 largest nuclear power plants in the world.

5. Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant, South Korea (Capacity: 5898 MW)

The Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant(used to be called Yeonggwang NPP) can be found in South Korea and it is among 1 of the 6th plant that can generate more than 5,500 MW across the globe.

This power plant is managed by Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power, a subsidiary company of the biggest energy provider in South Korea which is KEPKO. All 6 reactors of this power plant utilized Pressurized Water Reactors(PWR).

2 of them have been operational since 1986 while the rest started operating in 1994,1995,2001 and 2002 respectively.

4. Bruce Nuclear Generating Station, Canada (Capacity: 6358 MW)

The Bruce Nuclear Generating Station located in Ontario, Canada is the 4th biggest power plant in the world and the biggest one in Canada. Unlike the reactors in South Korea, the ones here utilize Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors(PHWR).

The power plant stretches across 9.32 sqkm of land with a power capacity of 6,358 MW. Not just that but the nuclear power plant also provide decent job opportunity for the locals as it is the biggest employer in Bruce County hiring over 4,000 workers.

3. Hanul Nuclear Power Plant, South Korea (Capacity: 7338 MW)

Another nuclear power plant built on South Korean soil will be the Hanul Nuclear Power Plant. This power plant has been in operation since 1988 and has a total of 7 PWR reactors with the latest one being in operation in 2022.

As of now one more reactor is still in construction and is set to be operational on September 2023. These new reactors with more sophisticated technology were expected to cost $6 billion.

It is also for the first time that all the components were created by the Koreans themselves.

2. Kori Nuclear Power Plant, South Korea (Capacity: 7489 MW)

The Kori Nuclear Power Plant is the second biggest nuclear power plant in Asia and also the biggest one in South Korea. It is also managed by Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Company. The first power plant which started operating in 1978 was decommissioned due to safety concerns in 2017.

Other than that all 7 nuclear reactors remain operational to this day with a full capacity of 7,489 MW. The Shin-Kori 5 and Shin-Kori 6 were to be expected to be operational in the future.

1. Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant, Japan (Capacity: 7965 MW)

With a massive capacity of 7,965 MW, the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant in Japan is officially the biggest nuclear power plant in the world based on its capacity. This power plant covers a huge land area of 4.2 sqkm and has a total of 7 boiling water reactors(BWR).

The power plant starts its operation in 1985 but has suspended its operation momentarily as it awaits newer guidelines to be issued by the government to operate this nuclear power plant.


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