Top 10 Loudest Sounds Ever Recorded

A strong sound is produced each day and wherever you might be. Closing your ears while walking by a construction area is a common thing to do as you protect them from the loud sound of pain.

For instance, when a human speaks, this will only emit a sound with 25 - 35 decibels(dB). Any sound exceeding 85 dB will lead to deafness and the loss of hearing is associated with how loud the sound is and how long we were exposed to such sound.

Here we would like to share with you some of the loudest sounds ever recorded.

10. Rock Concert Speaker

A concert that uses 400,000 watts of speaker set will emit a loud sound that can basically break your eardrums.

The maximum sound can reach 135 - 145 dB which can affect your hearing temporarily.

9. Fireworks

Who does not like to watch these fireworks explode in the sky and in some cases, these fireworks can produce a very loud sound too. Luckily, it explodes in the sky so that we will not be much affected by it.

Nevertheless, the sound produced by fireworks can reach up to 145 - 155 dB. In fact, an examination of sound control was done to avoid injuries to our ears.

8. Firing Shot

This will concern police officers and soldiers as they will hear the sound of fire shot most of the time and it can be as loud as 145 - 155 dB.

This explains why most shooters at the firing range will wear ear protection at all times.

7. Drag Car Racing

Sitting beside a drag race is no fun at all especially when the screeching sound coming from the car can ultimately affect your ears. The sound in the range of 155 - 160 dB can be heard at a drag race and this will cause permanent damage to the ear after long exposure.

This explains why not a single person will stand close to the cars.

6. Space Rocket Launch

During the launch of a space rocket, you will hear an explosive sound of 165 - 170 dB even though you were standing many km away from the site.

It is rather different than other loud sounds as a rocket will produce a constant sound as a trajectory is required to lift the whole rocket from the ground.

5. Blue Whale

This is the only animal on this list and the blue whale emits a structural sound wave repeatedly. This sound wave is very loud most of the time as it travels miles away under the water.

It is as if a song is being produced to communicate with other blue whales. The calling of a blue whale can reach 188 dB and this whistling sound can be heard hundreds of miles underwater making the blue whale the animal which produces the loudest sound.

4. Volcanic Eruption

The Krakatoa 1883 released more than 25 cubic km of rocks, ash, and gases as well as a loud sound which has been recorded at 180 dB.

In fact, this catastrophic explosion can be heard as far as Perth, Australia which is 3,110 km away from the eruption site.

3. 1 Ton of TNT Bomb

Standing 250 feet from the location, an explosion of a 1-ton bomb can produce a sound of 210 dB.

Without sufficient ear protection against this sound can not only cause deaf but also death from the immense vibration in our body.

2. Earthquake of 5.0 Richter Scale.

An earthquake that is powerful enough to collapse the whole ground and buildings can reach up to 235 dB.

If you happen to get trapped in such an earthquake and managed to get into a plane or a helicopter, the loud sound produced by the earthquake is enough to kill you before you get crushed by a building.

1. Tunguska Comet

Tunguska is one of the biggest explosions to have occurred close to the Tunguska Podkamennaya River which is now known as Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia and it happened at 7:40 am of 30 June 1908.

The explosion of the meteorite can be seen going up to 5 - 10km above the ground. It was measured and the effects are similar to a 1,000-megaton bomb exploding with a sound of 300 - 315 dB.

This event is often known as the loudest sound ever recorded on Earth.


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