Top 5 Most Expensive TVs In The World

In today's world, having a TV is considered a necessity for those who wish to go on with their daily life. It is a device that has various functions other than a source of news and entertainment.

On top of that, there are many kinds of TVs on the market and it can be considered a luxurious item for certain people. Thanks to the advanced technology that we have today, almost all households would own a TV due to it becoming more affordable.

Yet, there are still many TVs in the expensive section with some being sold at a huge price tag like the ones on this list. Here we would like to share with you the top 5 most expensive TVs in the world that you can purchase today.

5. Panasonic TH-152UX1 ($500,000)

The bottom one on our list will be the TH-152UX1 from a Japanese company, Panasonic which can be yours for $500,000. With this insane price, you will get a 152-inch-sized TV with 4,096 x 2,160 pixels.

This TV offers full HD and 3D quality with an aspect ratio of 17:9 which is pretty common for any expensive electronic device. If you wish to purchase this TV, you will have to fly to Europe since it can only be obtained in the UK.

4. C SEED 201 ($680,000)

The forth most expensive TV in the world will be the C SEED 201 with a price tag of $680,000. As the name states, this is a 201-inch sized V and it was intentionally made for outdoor use and can also be kept underground with a click of a button.

The C SEED 201 can spin 270° and is made with an abundance of LED lights which is precisely 2,222,640 units of LED. This will make the TV 10 times brighter than the TV you have at home.

3. Stuart Hughes Prestige HD Supreme Edition ($1.5 Million)

Hearing the word Supreme already spells wealth and luxury for this sparkling-looking TV. Unlike its competitors, the Stuart Huges Prestige HD  Supreme edition comes at a smaller size of a 55-inch display.

Despite its petty features, this TV is superior as it is covered in the finest gemstones and unlike other TVs, in alligator skins. This TV will match perfectly with the luxurious theme in your home and the price is a whopping $1.5 million.

2. Titan Zeus ($1.6 Million)

Hearing the name of the god of thunder is enough to know how majestic this TV is. There are many things that made the Titan Zeus, unlike any other TVs out there.

For a start, this is a gigantic 370-inch size TV that suits perfectly for anyone with a huge mansion for their home. Be sure to have your strongest men helping you as this TV weighs almost 1 ton which is somewhat equivalent to a car.

If that's not enough, this TV comes in 4K resolution and only those who are worthy can have this TV since only 4 units were ever made.

1. Stuart Hughes Prestige HD Supreme Rose Edition ($2.26 Million)

Another Supreme on the list and this time it's the Stuart Hughes Prestige HD Supreme Rose Edition which currently sits at the top of the list of the most expensive TV in the world.

For the price of $2.26 million, you will be sure to have various jewelry encrusted on the TV such as gold and diamonds. Similar to the Stuart Hughes Prestige HD Supreme edition, it also comes in a 55-inch display.

The frames are made from 2.5 kg of 22-carat gold, and 28 kg of 19-carat pink gold and perfected with 48 pieces of diamonds. The alligator's skin says it all as it was hand-stitched to the TV.

Stuart Hughes was the person behind such creation and he is known for producing some of the most expensive devices in the world.


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