Top 5 Most Polluted Rivers In The World

Water is one of the most crucial sources of life for every creature on this earth. And you can get this continuous source of water from rivers flowing in every city across the globe. River not only is a water source but also provides food, transportation, and trade.

Unfortunately, not everyone has a self-consciousness towards this importance to the extent that they neglect their responsibilities towards taking care of these rivers from pollution. There are way too many polluted rivers all around and here we would like to share with you the top 5 most polluted rivers in the world.

5. Mississippi River (US)

A report in 2012 by a group of campaigners, Environment Missouri stated that in 2010, around 5.76 million toxic waste were thrown out into the Mississippi River. This includes chemical waste like nitrate, benzene, and arsenic. 

The biggest and most crucial river in the Northern American drainage system is a natural source and the biggest economic drive for the United States. The Mississippi River valley is a fertile agricultural area. But today, the surrounding area of this river is known as the dead zone.

This title was given due to dangerous algae growing in the polluted river absorbing the oxygen and making other organisms deprived of death.

4. Matanza-Riachuelo River (Argentina)

This river flows along Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. If the word is to be translated, it means the slaughtering river because along the 64km river will be the smell of stench as the river is filled with chemical waste.

Millions of tonnes of chemical waste were put into the river each day including from households. The chemical waste released into the water is done by various petroleum companies making it the main source of pollution.

Many attempts have been made until today by the local authorities and groups of activists to control the pollution but the efforts are still yet to come to fruition.

3. Buriganga River (Bangladesh)

The Buriganga River is one of the most crucial rivers as the driving factor of Bangladesh's economy. This river has helped with the trading activity since the 17th century and it is also one the main source of drinking water for the people of Dhaka.

However as you can see today, the water has been polluted by toxic chemicals like industrial waste, household, medical waste, oil, and dead animals' bodies. Reports have shown that as much as 4,500 metric tons of waste have been thrown into this river.

And this figure only accounts for the city of Dhaka alone. Despite the many attempts by environmentalists, the government of Bangladesh still did not manage to save the Buriganga River and also other rivers across the country from pollution.

2. Citarum River (Indonesia)

Flowing through West Java, the Citarum River plays an essential role in Indonesia's agriculture, water supply, fishery, electricity, and various other industries. However, this river is in a huge crisis filled with millions of tons of domestic and industrial waste.

The surface of the river is packed with trash that the water itself cannot be seen. Based on reports, the mercury level in this river is 100 times more than what is permitted by law. In fact, most parts of the river seem almost dead.

There are 3 hydroelectric plants along this river and with the rising level of pollution, this power generation will ultimately come to a halt and the whole place will be in darkness.

1. Ganges River (India)

This is perhaps one of the most popular rivers in India as they believed it to be sacred in Hindu belief. The Ganges originates from the Gangotri glacier in the western Himalayas and flows through the northern Gangetic Plain which passes Bangladesh where it fills the Bengal Bay.

In 2007, the Ganges River was listed as one of the top 5 most polluted rivers in the world. Due to its religious relation, the waste polluting this river is definitely immense. The contaminants comprised industrial waste, sewage, plastic, and substances from ritual activities.

If that is not enough, people even bathe in this holy water as they clean themselves, cook and even leave the dead in the water. According to a study performed by the Indian Council of Medical Research(ICMR), the Ganges River is filled with toxic substances that affect the people around it as they are at higher risk of cancer than other people in the country.


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