Top 7 Slowest Animals In The World

You must have seen particular creatures that appear to not move at all. If you were to look closely, these animals are actually moving at a slower pace with little movement that can be seen.

These slow animals have been proven difficult to measure their actual movement speed. It only makes sense to record these animals using an ultra-motion mode to see if any progress has been made.

Here we would like to share with you the top 7 slowest animals in the world that barely flinch.

7. Gila Monster (1.6 km/h)

The 7th slowest animal on our list will be the Gila Monster and despite their huge size unlike other animals on this list, it is only capable of going at a speed of 1.6km/h. This animal is native to American soil with them being the largest lizard of the country.

The Gila monster spends most of its days sunbathing as they can be found mostly in the Mohave, Chihuahuan, and Sonoran Deserts. They are capable of surviving in the hot climate by having storage of fat in their tails and they hibernate in the winter by staying underground.

6. Giant Galapagos Tortoise (0.3 km/h)

The Giant Galapagos Tortoise is known to be the world's biggest tortoise still in existence. A big portion of the Galapagos tortoise lived in the western parts of Ecuador and Aldabra in the Indian Ocean.

The weight of this tortoise is the major factor in its movement speed making it one of the slowest animals in the world. It can reach a weight of 417 kg and move at a speed of 0.3 km/h or precisely 5 meters a minute.

5. Banana Slug (0.3 km/h)

This yellow slimy creature has a shape similar to a banana and hence its name. The Banana Slug can grow up to 25 cm long which is known to be the second biggest slug in the world.

However, its speed is not as huge as its size considering that it moves around 7 - 10 cm a minute. The slime its body produces helps the animal to stick better on surfaces and walls.

The slug is not always yellow as it depends on its current health state.

4. Three-Toed Sloth (0.018 km/h)

One of the animals that are popularly known for its slow speed will be the three-toed sloth as it is native to South America and Central America.

Sloth is often referred to as someone that is lazy due to their behaviors. On top of that, sloths move at a slower speed too moving at 0.018 km/h. They spend most of their days asleep while dangling on trees.

The sloth can grow up to 4.5 kg in weight which is merely the size of a regular puppy.

3. Starfish (0.008km/h)

If you were to see this creature while scuba diving in the ocean, you might see that the starfish is not moving at all. This is because it moves so slowly with a speed of 15 cm each minute.

They use their tube feet to move about in a two-directional movement especially when it is threatened. Each of their feet will move in a wave pattern with one of them sticking on the surface while the other are let go.

2. Garden Snail (0.0008km/h or 1.3 cm/sec)

As slow as a snail as some people might call it and in this case it would be the Garden Snail that tops the list of slowest moving snails. They can only move at the pace of 1.3 cm/sec making it the slowest slimy creature out there.

They move in a wave pattern while leaving a mucus-like substance as it moves in one direction. This secretion is due to the inability of the snail to move on hard surfaces due to its slippery body.

They tend to crawl with a lubricant whether it is on land or water.

1. Sea Anemone (1 cm/ hour)

Since the garden snail tops the list of slowest-moving animals on land, the Sea Anemone is at the top of the slowest animal in the world. They can barely make any movement whatsoever especially as they can move at 1 cm per hour.

The Sea Anemone utilizes its pedal disc as it makes its way on rocks or corals nearby. They use their tentacles to hunt animals as it waits patiently for a creature to pass by before it stings them to death.

If you thought sloths were slow, you might want to rethink again.


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